We’d like to welcome the newest member to our team, Jinah Kim. Jinah joined us last summer as part of our summer internship program. She fit in immediately with her positive work ethic and her understanding of approach on a project while designing with empathy and sensitivity. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's Master of Landscape Architecture program in May 2017. She recently helped publish Issue 05 of the LA+ (Landscape Architecture Plus) as an editor. LA+ is a publication the University of Pennsylvania's School of Design distributes annually. Jinah began her journey at Konkuk University in Seoul, Korea; moving to the United States three years ago. While attending school in Korea, she received her Bachelor of Science, and a Master of Environmental Science, graduating with honors. As an Environmental Scientist by profession, she chose to study Landscape Architecture because she saw the potential to shape urban development with beautiful interventions that contribute to ecological sustainability.